Basic Formatting

Jekyll offers support for GitHub Flavored Markdown, which allows you to format your posts using the Markdown syntax.

Styling text

With Markdown, it is possible to emphasize words by making them italicized, using astericks or underscores, or making them bold, using double astericks or double underscores. Of course, you can combine those two formats, with both bold and italicized text, using any combination of the above syntax. You can also add a strikethrough to text using a double tilde.

Style Syntax Example Output
Italic * * or _ _ *This text is italicized* This text is italicized
Bold ** ** or __ __ **This is bold text** This is bold text
Bold and nested italic ** ** and _ _ **This text is _extremely_ important** This text is extremely important
All bold and italic *** *** ***All this text is important*** All this text is important
Strikethrough ~~ ~~ ~~This was mistaken text~~ This was mistaken text


This is what a paragraph looks like. For the purpose of demonstration, the rest of this paragraph and the next paragraph after will mean absolutely nothing. Proin eget nibh a massa vestibulum pretium. Suspendisse eu nisl a ante aliquet bibendum quis a nunc. Praesent varius interdum vehicula. Aenean risus libero, placerat at vestibulum eget, ultricies eu enim. Praesent nulla tortor, malesuada adipiscing adipiscing sollicitudin, adipiscing eget est. Praesent nulla tortor, malesuada adipiscing adipiscing sollicitudin, adipiscing eget est.

Proin eget nibh a massa vestibulum pretium. Suspendisse eu nisl a ante aliquet bibendum quis a nunc. Mauris lobortis nulla et felis ullamcorper bibendum. Phasellus et hendrerit mauris. Proin eget nibh a massa vestibulum pretium. Suspendisse eu nisl a ante aliquet bibendum quis a nunc. Praesent varius interdum vehicula. Aenean risus libero, placerat at vestibulum eget, ultricies eu enim. Praesent nulla tortor, malesuada adipiscing adipiscing sollicitudin, adipiscing eget est.


Sometimes it is useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with # to create headings. Multiple ## in a row denote smaller heading size. The following demonstrate the full range of heading sizes:

# Heading One (h1)

## Heading Two (h2)

### Heading Three (h3)

#### Heading Four (h4)

##### Heading Five (h5)

###### Heading Six (h6)

Heading One (h1)

Heading Two (h2)

Heading Three (h3)

Heading Four (h4)

Heading Five (h5)
Heading Six (h6)

You can create an inline link by wrapping link text in square brackets [ ], and then wrapping the URL in parentheses ( ).

For example, it is very easy to [link to Google!](`

For example, it is very easy to link to Google!.


Blockquotes are useful for denoting quotes, or highlighting a large block of text. You can quote text with a >.

Single line blockquote:

> This quote will change your life.`

This quote will change your life.

Multi line blockquote with a cite reference:

> People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what
it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have
to pick carefully. I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have
done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.

People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.


To add an image, use ![alt text](<Image url> "Image meta title"):

![alt text]( "Example")

alt text

Unordered and Numbered Lists

You can make an unordered list by preceding one or more lines of text with -, *, or +.

- List item 1
* List item 2
+ List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Numbered lists are made by using numbers instead of bullet points.

1. List item 1
2. List item 2
3. List item 3
  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3

Nested lists

1. First list item
   - First nested list item
     - Second nested list item
  1. First list item
    • First nested list item
      • Second nested list item

Task lists

To create a task list, preface list items with a space character followed by [ ]. To mark a task as complete, use [x].

- [x] Completed task
- [ ] Todo task
- [ ] (Optional) another task
  • Completed task
  • Todo task
  • (Optional) another task


Create tables with pipes | and hyphens -.

| Title 1           |      Title 2      | Title 3           |           Title 4 |
| ----------------- | :---------------: | :---------------- | ----------------: |
| lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor |
| lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor |

Align text to the left, right, or center of a column by including colons :.

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4
lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor
lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor
| Not-aligned       | Left-aligned      |  Center-aligned   |     Right-aligned |
| ----------------- | :---------------- | :---------------: | ----------------: |
| lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor |
| lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor |
Not-aligned Left-aligned Center-aligned Right-aligned
lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor
lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor lorem ipsum dolor

Horizontal Rule

Can be created by having three or more hyphens ---, asterisks ***, or underscores ___:


Useful Resources

More information on Markdown can be found at the following links: